BMM Users Manual#
BMM is NIST’s Beamline for Materials Measurement.

Fig. 1 BMM at a glance!#
User documentation
- 1. Introduction to BMM
- 2. Proposal Writing for BMM
- 3. Before your Beamtime
- 4. Data access
- 5. Beamline instrumentation
- 6. Moving and querying motors
- 7. Photon Delivery System
- 8. Sample position scans
- 9. XAFS scans
- 10. Other measurement needs
- 11. Beamline automation
- 12. Experimental Log
- 13. Managing the beamline
- 14. Common chores
- 15. Command cheatsheet
- 16. Troubleshooting
Staff documentation
- A. BMM’s Desktop
- B. An overview of BMM’s profile
- C. Kafka workers at BMM
- D. Managing ion chamber signal chains
- E. Instrumentation Details
- E.1. Analog Video Capture
- E.2. Beamline maintenance tools
- E.3. BNC Cable Map
- E.4. DCM 1st Xtal Equilibration
- E.5. DI Water Flow
- E.6. Disabling an MCS8 axis after a move
- E.7. DM3 CAT6 Patch Panel
- E.8. Encoder loss second crystal roll
- E.9. Inert Gas Plumbing
- E.10. Logitech controller
- E.11. M2 Bender
- E.12. MC09 patch panel
- E.13. Motor controllers
- E.14. Network configuration
- E.15. Pilatus 100K
- E.16. Starting the system
- E.17. Overview of file saving
- E.18. Configuring the tiff and pilatus AD plugins
- E.19. Visualization in bluesky
- E.20. Moving the detector between end stations
- E.21. XAFS table holding current
- E.22. Vortex pressure
- E.23. Zoom calls in the hutch
- F. Restore beamline after a power outage
- G. Photo Galleries
- H. To Do List