XAFS Training Courses at NSLS-II#
This page collects information and education materials from a series of XAFS training course hosted at the National Synchrotron Light Source II
These workshops are run by the staff of the hard X-ray spectroscopy beamlines:
QAS: Quick x-ray Absorption and Scattering, 7-BM
BMM: Beamline for Materials Measurement, 6-BM
ISS: Inner-Shell Spectroscopy. 8-ID
We are grateful for financial support from the National Synchrotron Light Source II and the NSLS-II Users’ Executive Committee.
All of this happens only because of logistical support from the wonderful folks in the NSLS-II User Services Office.
Document theme#
This is a Sphinx document using the lovely {book}theme from the The Executable Book Project.
Contributing to this effort#
Please feel free to fork this from NSLS-II-BMM/XAS_Workshops, write up your own content, and submit a pull request to have your content included.
To get started, first install sphinx and the {book}theme as explained here
Next install these Sphinx extensions:
to render equations and mathematical symbols
by doing this:
pip install sphinx-math-dollar
Download a fork of the repository and edit away!
You can check that your contributions build correctly by going to the
folder and running make html
. Once your contributions
contain all your wisdom and build correctly, go ahead and make a pull
Automated workflow at GitHub#
Automated building of this sphinx document is accomplished using the very cool Sphinx-docs-to-gh-pages action developed by the Computational Biology and Drug Design Research Unit -UIBCDF- at the Mexico City Children’s Hospital Federico Gómez.