Store and retrieve state information#

To start, you must have Redis running on a machine on the LAN. This is pretty simple on the NSLS-II machines as Redis is an available package. A DSSI staff member can get it installed such that the REDIS server autostarts when the computer boots.

There is a python package for connecting to a Redis server that is a standard part of the beamline Conda environments. Here’s the python code to drop into a Bluesky profile:

1  import redis
2  rkvs = redis.Redis(host='xf06bm-ioc2', port=6379, db=0)

Here, xf06bm-ioc2 is the DNS-resolvable name of the server and 6379 is the default port number that the Redis server runs on. rkvs is an acronym for “Redis keyword/value store”.

Once armed with a connection to the host

rkvs.set('BMM:pds:element', 'Cu')


el = rkvs.get('BMM:pds:element')

In this example, a parameter of the state of the photon delivery ssytem (pds) is stored to identify the element currently being measured by XAFS.

A pitfall to using the python interface to redis is that strings are always returned as byte strings, which allows for handling unicode text. To convert the byte string to a normal string, do:

el = rkvs.get('BMM:pds:element').decode('utf-8'))

At BMM, the adopted convention is to structure state data in a manner similar to a dictionary of dictionaries, but with the keywords flattened. Thus, the keyword BMM:pds:element is interpreted as:

  1. A parameter related to the BMM beamline. This leaves open the possibility of using the Redis server to store information about other things – other beamlines or things that are not beamlines. For example, in a recent series of experiments in collaboration with the PDF beamline, state information is shared between the beamlines. In that case, we might store keywords like PDF:something:something in BMM’s Redis store.

  2. This parameter is related to the photon delivery system, hence the pds part of the key string. Other strings used at BMM in this position are user, lmfit, and scan.

  3. The last portion of the keyword identifies the specific parameter.

Anytime something changes the state of the beamline, care is taken in BMM’s profile to also update the related value in Redis.

Thus, using Redis effectively in the Bluesky profile requires a certain amount of discipline to keep the state of the Redis store consistently up to date.